Elegant earrings at the eSHOP of the GREEK MUSEUMS

If are looking for earrings with special earrings that will make the difference in your style, just visit the online shop of BENAKI MUSEUM in Greece.

A B612 creation, inspired by the collections of the Benaki Museum.
Thread and howlite.Dimensions: Evil eye 5 x 3 cm

Created by Sofia Vamiali

Created by Erato Boukogianni and inspired by
a pair of late 4th century BC

Small hooks with pearls earrings | Christina Soubli 

Earring  BENAKI MUSEUM  (find here) 
Earring  BENAKI MUSEUM (find here) 
Earring  BENAKI MUSEUM (find here)
Pearls earrings  CYCLADIC MUSEUM SHOP (find here)


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