March sun is "sneaky" and March bracelet is your reminder!

In Greece, we have a tradition that comes from Ancient years of wearing a bracelet made from white and red threads from the first day of March till the end. The reason is that March is the first month of the Spring and the sun is too shinny. It is believed that wearing this bracelet, especially for kids, protects them from the sun. According to the tradition until recently, a few decades ago, beautiful women were the ones who did not tan in the sun (those who worked outside tanned, the peasants who were poorer). So the March sun was "sneaky" and March was the reminder!

Nowadays many designers are creating this kind of bracelet decorating them with gold symbols like the blue eye, Carma, martin beard, stones, and other charms.  

Here are my pics for online purchase...

Bracelet BENAKI MUSEUM SHOP (find here)
Bracelet (Martis) MalochicoLove (find here)
Bracelet (Martis) Penny's handmade (find here)
Bracelet (Martis) leibequeen (find here)


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