Beauty becomes ZEN

Even if you use the best anti-wrinkle, moisturize detox cream, or serum the outcome in your look won't be the same if you do not follow the same beauty routine for your mind and soul. Choose a way that makes you feel ZEN, which means to release your stress by breathing well and do your yoga, meditation or spiritual practises. 

Beauty brands have realized the importance of inner beauty and nowadays by their protocols they give their products ingredients and properties that help in this holistic treatment of our beaut.

Essential by Betty

Diffusers WAKS  (find here)
Candle Saltwater WAKS (find here)
Organic Massage Oil Apivita (find here)
Apivita Express Detox Face Mask (find here)

Essential by Ifigenia

Officina delle essenze Diffuser (find here)
Perfumed sheets for wardrobe or draws (find here)
Epico Home spray (find here)


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