Wax or Laser

 Spring is arriving ..summer seems near and ...WHAT ARE YOY WAITING FOR ?????' 

Its time to get rid those annoing body hair.. Bellow you can find some ways i tried all these years.

I started with sugar wax and i can tell you that for me its the best if it comes to choose from other forms of waxing .

If you want to prepair the sugar wax  by yourself i recomend you this recipie (FIND HERE)

If on the other hand you want to buy there are alot of sites you can find for example :

Amazon (find here)

Then Desperate (from the pain ) i choose Laser and PULSED LASER 

I'm not an expert to tell you which one is perfect for you cos its always a matter of costs and time. But i can tell you how glad iam not having to see any hair all year. 


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